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StreetLight provides weekly supportive services to the unsheltered homeless, including food, propane, and critical supplies. In addition to homeless outreach at the campsites, we provide:

  • Supportive shelter to 8 medically fragile & disabled homeless adults,
  • Permanent supportive housing to 31 chronically homeless individuals, and
  • Operate a hypothermia shelter for up to 30 unsheltered homeless adults in partnership with PWC.


Our mission: feed the hungry and house the homeless.


But we need your help to continue providing uninterrupted services to our community. Please HAVE A HEART FOR THE HOMELESS this Valentine's Day holiday and give a gift that shows LOVE, COMPASSION, and HOPE for those less fortunate.


Can't donate? You can still show your support:

  • Share this event on social media with a message on why StreetLight's mission is important to you.
  • Encourage your friends, family, coworkers, and church congregation to help.
  • Make an online donation anytime during the month of February to help us reach our goal of $5,000!
  • Like us on Facebook to stay updated on our successes and challenges.


StreetLight is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so your donations are tax-deductible. 

Learn more about StreetLight, our mission, values, and the programs we offer the community at our website: www.thestreetlight.org.

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